Almost everyone knows the metaphor of sticking your head in the sand and deny the obvious.

Actually that's very normal, anything that interrupts our statis quo disturbs us emotionally.

Even the adventurers among us do not handle change well. We are designed for stable lives.

Change is upon us in America and The Church.  God has just recently released me to have conversations about the 30 day encounter he and I had a decade ago when he revealed parts of our future in vivid detail.

First let me say there is no fear involved in this. But we do have some responsibility to prepare. If you will read my previous blog I wont need to repeat myself.

The Economy, We will have a great runup and boom in the short term. The word of the Lord was Unprecedented prosperity before the crash. When I first told this publically I announced that the Dow was headed for 20,000 and above. That week the Dow was below 8,000. the market will have several ups and downs before it reaches the level of 20,000.

Church, churches are in for the toughest times in modern times. Apathy, Agnostics, Attrition, drop in giving, God spoke to me that he was taking his hand off some of the biggest ministries in the world. Their time is coming to the end of their purpose. On the other hand the small group is rising. Some are even naming this as the MicroChurch.

Awareness is what God is asking several of us who have this information. I hate with a passion extremism and the fear folks. God is merciful and he will show us the future. Make no mistake he is building his Kingdom on the Earth.

Construction looks like destruction in the first stage. you must tear down the old to build the new.

So I am taking Revival and believing for miracles anywhere the door opens.

The time can be shortened or lengthened depending on Gods people. We are the barometer.